Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sweet Throwback

Sunday, December 6, 2009
December December
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Is a hangover the excuse?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Quote of the Day
Favre to sign with Vikings today
Brett Favre is expected to sign with the Vikings today, pending his physical. The Vikings sent their team’s private jet to Mississippi, and it departed en-route to Minneapolis/St.Paul with Favre in tow. This appears to end another off-season of As The Favre Turns. The only person who appears to be losing in this deal is Sage Rosenfels, who played quite well in the previous pre-season game. Apparently it is a 1-year deal worth $10-12 million. It would be nice if they would lock him up for a couple years, so the rest of us who could care less about Favre, don’t have to deal with this saga again next summer.
Friday, August 14, 2009
In the beginning
It’s ironic that NFL Network would air the 1990 Super Bowl as the replay of the night. It was fitting considering they were airing the Denver Broncos-San Francisco 49ers pre-season matchup. That Super Bowl turns out to be the first sporting event that I can actually remember in my brief lifetime. Yes I am only 25 years old, born in 1983, so that fits the bill. My Pops threw a party for all of my mom and his friends. I vividly remember everybody bringing over something different, definitely a potluck sort of get together. I remember that, and the fact that the 49ers destroyed the Broncos, and the game was never even close. I distinctly remember hearing the announcer say “Montana to Rice, touchdown 49ers” I don’t know how many times. After that I was out back causing a ruckus and getting into who knows what kind of mischief. That was where it all started for me. Sports in general. The Suns and 49ers were my first two favorite teams because let’s face it. The Cardinals sucked, and back then they were hardly something that Phoenicians called their own. I guess I’ve been some sort of a bandwagon fan ever since. I’m very loyal to the local teams in Phoenix, but after that I just like watching winners. I would much rather watch Yankees-Red Sox than anybody else in baseball period. Matter of fact, they are all I will watch. Unless it’s the Diamondbacks playing a meaningful series, which at this point is simply a figment of my imagination. Back to the topic at hand though, the old school Super Bowl highlights were classic. Obviously it brings back some memories.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Words to live by
Quote of the Day
-John Madden -
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Amar'e Stoudemire's blog
Monday, August 10, 2009
Quote of the Day
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Win the 2010 title.....
Or else there is a good chance that you will not see hometown prodigy LeBron James in a Cavalier uniform again after that. Not to say that Danny Ferry hasn’t tried to do anything possible to assemble a team that will match up well with the Lakers come the Finals next June. Shaquille O’Neal, Jamario Moon, Anthony Parker were interesting acquisitions that should only help the team with the league’s best record last season. Combine that with the continued summer improvement of LeBron, who is still not even en in his prime yet and the Cavs shouldn’t have any excuses. That being said, should they come up short, it won’t bode well for the fans in the city of Cleveland. Many are believe that Cavs fans should savor all 41 pre-game talcum powder exhibitions and however many more are necessary in the postseason. If all the King’s men happen to fail, LBJ just might ride off on his talcum colored horse right out of Akron.
Wii-zy does it
After spending a good amount of time on the Wii fit program this evening, I have decided that I will forego the opportunity to purchase a gym membership, and instead invest my time in something that is not only cost and time effective, but just so happens to be made by Nintendo. Yes the Wii has been a craze for sometime now, though I personally had yet to experience the fitness program. Now that I have my mind is made up. Couple the usuals, swimming and hoops, with Wii Boxing, tennis, yoga and hula-hoops and my morning workout routine is good to go. Laugh all you want, but let’s see you break 300 spins on the hoop in just over a minute, and not immediately sit down on the couch and tap out.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Paid vacation
The University of Miami in Coral Gables is offering graduate students who already registered for fall classes the opportunity to accept a $5k buyout to postpone their classes until the spring due to the overbooking of graduate classes. I would expect Miami to have quite a few students willing to partake in an extra semester of vacation, especially if paid for by their school. The real question here is whether we are talking lump sum, or monthly payments, or credit toward your school account? Either way, it seems awfully generous of the university. I would just as easily assumed they would mail out letters with refunds for those who were over-booked, explaining why they would have to postpone their schooling. Now they just have 5,000 extra reasons to enjoy a fall vacation.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The ESPN bias
Ben Roethlisberger’s interviews with the press following Friday’s training camp workouts were comical at best. Big Ben did everything possibly to deflect and avoid all questions regarding anything other than football to the side. Strictly the “I’m here to talk football” nonsense that accompanies most guilty parties in such instances. Do I have an extra level of disdain for Ben and the Steelers? Well YES, yes of course! My Cardinals had the once in a lifetime opportunity to win the Super Bowl over Mike Tomlin’s squad. I still believe in my heart of hearts that Santonio Holmes left foot did NOT touch in bounds yet the Steelers were still crowned champs. But what do I know right? What I do know is that when T.O., Pac-Man Jones, or and any other professional football player is in the news for something negative, ESPN is first on the scene to report such events when they occur. Unless of course, it involves a certain who’s who of ESPN’s buddy buddy list, which in turn garners ultimate protection. I find it funny how ESPN chose not to report such “allegations” until all the facts were gathered, but yet they choose to report the accusations surrounding star athletes of other teams before the facts have ever been gathered. Adam Jones was never charged with anything according in the legality of his situation, yet a certain sports outlet chose to exploit his situation days on end even before the truth was reported. Yet, when it comes to the Steelers, ESPN apparently wanted to wait until all the facts were in and an actually story had been revealed. Sounds like ESPN looks out for certain people or organizations when the going gets rough. Too bad when the going gets rough, the public usually chooses to extract the beer goggles and look at the current situation through a clear state of mind. Nice try Roger Goodell. It looks like you should get back to exploiting Michael Vick, in order to divert some attention from your boy, Big Ben Roethlisberger.
For the love of Anaheim, or Los Angeles?
The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim put a whooping on the Minnesota Twins on Saturday night. Meanwhile, Manny still looks a bit rattled after it results of his positive steroid test in 2003 were released to the public on Thursday. One shouldn’t expect Manny to be affected by the results anyway. Shoots, it’s the third time he has tested positive for steroids anyway. If he were anybody else, would any of this even be in question right now? Apparently Dodgers fans don’t care what produces the results, as long as the results are “somewhat” true. Really though, should I be blaming Dodgers fans. After all, it’s the sorry Red Sox fans who will defend Manny until their day of reckoning. When it comes down to it, do you think the steroid accusations and pudding proof even matter to Red Sox fans? For all they care, the “Curse of the Bambino” was erased, and they finally were delivered a World Series title. Whether or not the facts of the matter were actually legit is another story. Thou shalt turn a blind eye if the outcome reflects positive on the bottom line. Really, just think about it. The team with whom I’m referencing is known as the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Anybody who is familiar with southern California knows just how ridiculous such a title and distinction really is! We are the Anaheim Angels who play in Orange County, located right off the I-57, but our owner Arturo Moreno feels we should appeal to the daddy of the city. Hence the Los Angeles in the name. Never mind that the Angels play a good 40 miles from L.A. When it comes to the money, common sense takes a backseat to the bottom line. If you can generate enough revenue, Moreno will designate you the Tijuana Angels. When push comes to shove, and all is said and done, it’s all about the hustle.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Manny + Ortiz= Ay Papi!
Surprise, surprise, somebody else used steroids. Even if confirmed test results can’t actually affect these self proclaimed “mountains,” one thing is certain. I agree with Ozzie Guillen. MLB needs to release the whole stinking list already. There is no sense in having certain attorney’s offices secretly leaking a few names every few months to create some buzz and ruffle a few feathers. Can we get on with it already. This much we do know. Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz were on steroids when the Red Sox came back and beat the Yankees in the ALCS in 2004, which ultimately ended the “Curse of the Bambino.” The very least you can say is that the teams really were evenly matched. We will match you an Andy Pettitte and A-Rod the juice-man, and raise you Manny and Big Papi. All is fair in love and war. There may seem to be no love lost between the Red Sox and Yankees, but at least we know they are evenly matched when it comes to the sauce. Anything you can do, I can do better. I can even take PED”s better than you!
Man I love being a Turtle
Now that Turtle has decided to go back to school, what are the chances he decides to keep both the Ferrari from Vince and the Porsche from Meadow Soprano. Jerry Ferrara’s girlfriend is even spoiling him on-screen as well. I can understand him wanting to step out on his own. Not only is he facing the pressure from the spotlight of his best friend, but also his girlfriend who only happened to star in the best television drama of all time. No man in his right mind can argue with the fact of Turtle caving in to the pressure. Do you think Turtle, or Jerry Ferrara for that matter planned on dating Jamie-Lynn Sigler EVER? Even in his wildest dreams? Let’s be real here.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
"President's policies are more popular than he is"
Interesting article on HuffPost by Bill ScherPundits keep saying that the president is more popular than his policies, undercutting his mandate to take bold action.
But on health care, the opposite is true.
Last week, I noted that one Washington Postreporter repeated the knee-jerk conventional wisdom, when in fact, his own paper's poll just showed majority support for the main provisions in pending health care legislation, while Obama's approval rating on health care was below 50%.
Today, two more polls show the public strongly supports Obama's actual health care policies, even though their support of Obama has declined.
From MSNBC's writeup of the NBC/WSJ poll (emphasis added):
Pluralities now say that the president's health care plan is a bad idea, and that it will result in the quality of their care getting worse. What's more, just four in 10 approve of his handling on the issue. The poll also finds that Obama's overall job-approval rating has dropped to 53 percent...
...[But] when read the specifics of his goals for health care -- like requiring insurers to cover those with pre-existing conditions, providing low-income families with subsidies to help them afford insurance, and raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for the subsidies -- 56 percent say they support Obama's plan. Only 38 percent oppose.Now, the NBC/WSJ poll does show more tepid support for the most critical piece, the public plan option, with a plurality of 46%.
But that is out of step with every other poll ever taken gauging support for the public plan option,including today's NYT/CBS poll.
That poll shows Obama overall approval rating at 58%, and his handling of health care at 46%.
But when asked "would you favor or oppose the government offering everyone a government administered health insurance plan," a strong 66% support -- similar to what public plan option hasgarnered in most previous polls.
Yes, Obama's numbers have slipped. Perhaps that's a mix of swing voters buying the spin that "Obama's plan" (as opposed to the actual plan) won't tackle rising costs, and some liberal voters unhappy that Obama hasn't been a stronger advocate for the public plan. Perhaps it's just the mere fact that Obama hasn't handled the issue well enough to get something passed by now.
But whatever the reason is, it manifestly is not because the public has soured on the actual pillars of the bills that have advanced in the House and Senate.
So there is no reason for pundits to keep saying the president is more popular than his policies.
And there is no reason for skittish politicians to flinch from backing the public plan option based on these new polls.
If anything, it should motivate them to help the president make the case that his actual ideas are essential to expanding coverage and reducing the deficit.
Originally posted at OurFuture.org
Follow Bill Scher on Twitter: www.twitter.com/billscher
Just curious...
I’m just curious why the COPS can drive around with tinted windows, while talking on the cell phone and typing on their computers, all the while not wearing their seat belts and speeding?
Vikings drank the Kool-Aid
It’s a shame for the fan base of the Minnesota Vikings that Brad Childress and the front office were swept up in the madness that surrounds Brett Favre every off-season around this time. Everything had been put in place to make Favre as comfortable as possible in Minnesota only to inform the Vikes on the eve of training camp not to save a locker or #4 jersey for him. Brett said he didn’t feel his body would be able to hold up and allow him to perform at a level that was acceptable to him. Favre then proceeded to tell Peter King not to rule out what may happen come Nov. 1st, and that he would continue to work out and throw on a daily basis. Does Brett think that he is going to come back in October just in time to play Nov. 1st at Lambeau? Childress has 2 quarterbacks that neither fans nor teammates want in the huddle this season, and Lord knows what Tavaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels are thinking these days anyway. The two of them had been planning on carrying clipboards all season.
Monday, July 27, 2009
"24" returns January 17th, 2010

Kiefer Sutherland said in an interview with Extra that season 8 of his hit FOX drama “24” will be the most realistic story line yet. Two new cast members, including Freddie Prinz Jr, will enjoy a day in the life of Jack Bauer in New York City no less. Yes a day in the life of Jack Bauer. Everybody knew he didn’t die, why else would they have brought Elisha Cuthbert back again. I love having EC on screen as much as possible, but as is the case with certain aspects of the show, her redundant role is played out. How many times can she be taken hostage in 10 years? Kim will undoubtedly have a big role in the beginning of season 8, and where the writers take her character from there should be interesting. As for Jack, Sutherland said it’s the first time that JB can actually smile and enjoy himself. Not sure if that’s a good sign of what’s to come. I’d rather see him screaming, swearing, and shooting. I guess I’m getting ahead of myself a tad. Everybody knows that “24” wouldn’t’ be “24” without Jack Bauer upping his on-screen kill count. That count currently sits at 223. Between season 8 and the movie that will undoubtedly follow, surely that total should surpass 250.
Michael Vick partially re-instated by NFL
I personally find it a bit much that Vick is still being punished further over this dog-fighting matter. Yes, I am a dog lover and can’t imagine treating animals the way that Vick and his co-horts did. On the other hand, Chris Brown beat the crap out of his girlfriend, with public knowledge, including an apology, and all he will see is probation. Michael Vick spent two years in prison and lost a fortune, as well as his reputation. Isn’t that punishment enough? Roger Goodell always contests that it is a privilege to play in the NFL, but who ever heard of being suspended from employment after serving time in prison. The man served his time, paid his dues, now let him earn a living and feed his family. With the way this country is today, it is a privilege for many just to have a job period!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Perk of the West
Friday, July 24, 2009
Beckham's toilet paper
David Beckham was fined $1k by the MLS for attempting to confront a fan in the stands during his first home game back with the LA Galaxy. The fact that I’m even writing anything about this is comical in itself, let alone the fact that a thousand bucks is to David Beckham what 5 cents is to the average Joe. Seriously, David Beckham wipes his butt with toilet paper that costs more than a thousand dollars. Do you think Beckham even knows he got fined? I doubt he sits around worrying about what ESPN has to say about him. Which member of his entourage handles the petty cash discrepancies? Just another example of why soccer in the United States is still a joke. It takes making a mockery of them to actually garner some publicity.
Are you really surprised?
It shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody if Michael Jackson’s information was leaked. Everything about his entire life has been in the middle of the press. Apparently there is a lot of concern over what happened at the coroner’s office, and how so much detailed graphic information regarding Jackson’s body, as well as the high number of employees who viewed his death certificate. He is still has been the hot topic of conversation every day since his passing. If it’s not this about his children and the custody situation with his mother, then it’s the investigation into his death, and what exactly happened with his personal doctor on that fateful day. The whereabouts of his burial location are still up in the air, and judging by the trending topics daily on Twitter, we will undoubtedly be talking about MJ for quite sometime. I can only imagine the offers that employees yielded for any information they could possibly divulge. I’m not saying that makes it right, but you shouldn’t be surprised. Any and everybody who can possibly take advantage of the death of Michael Jackson surely will if they haven’t already.
Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort

This ocean front resort located just south of Oceanside is a popular, family-friendly vacation destination in southern California. Located in northern San Diego County, Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort provides numerous activities for travelers and vacationers of all ages.
Carlsbad Village Drive offers numerous restaurants and boutique shops for those who enjoy walking. And with the average temperature in the mid-70’s, who doesn’t want to get outside and enjoy the elements.
The popular Pizza Port is always busy, as they brew all their own beer, along with their delicious pie. Coyote Bar & Grill is popular for their nightly karaoke showcase, but be prepared to arrive early or you often have trouble finding a seat. Oh, and word to the wise. The security as this establishment is a bunch of meatheads, so be forewarned. They do not appreciate promoting their fellow money-taking establishments, let’s just put it that way.
However the #1 spot to grub happens to be located directly across from the resort. The infamous Cessy’s, a favorite of many in my family and serves all the delicious Mexican food we love. If you go to Carlsbad, and you love Mexican food, then you’ll love Cessy’s.
Last but not least, top off everything with some dessert. Either Linda’s yogurt shop or Cold Stone Creamery, and being from Arizona, I’ll go with C.S.C. There you can have whatever you like.
Nike gives the LeBron tapes back
Why even return the tapes? Really, I mean after all is said and done, the public perception of LeBron James has been damaged no matter what. For Nike to say they now they will be returning the tapes to those which they had previously confiscated is ridiculous.
Cardinals season upon us
I decided today I’m going with DirecTV in order to insure the NFL Sunday Ticket package and NBA League Pass. It’s basically like living at home in Phoenix that way, with every Cardinals and Suns game being televised locally. Combine that with the Internet and Twitter and this season could be of epic proportions, with great opportunities. One thing is certain. Fantasy football will be unlike any other for myself this season.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Quote of the Day
Friday, July 17, 2009
Suns appear to be coming together
With the moves made last week, and the extension with Steve Nash expected to be finalized this week, things are starting to take shape for next year's squad. Amar'e Stoudemire is recovering from a minor eye surgery to clean some things up and should be able to resume activities in a week or two. The interview with him in the Republic this morning did little to provide optimism for anything past the upcoming season. Amar'e said that the conversation between his agent and Steve Kerr went phenomenal although an extension was not even discussed so it's hard to imagine how great the talks actually went. Ric Bucher did post on Twitter that Amar'e to Golden State was "dead" so that is a positive sign, while rumors have been floating around of the Suns desire to remove STAT from the trade market altogether. As a Suns fan, my biased opinion would be for them to hold on to Amar'e and try and make one last run at the playoffs. However, the current team isn't built to compete with the top tier teams in the West. With that being said, the business side of me would let Amar'e enter the season with that chip on his shoulder that he always seems to harbor. That chip will only allow him to increase his trade value with All-Star caliber play in the Suns first half of 09-10. If the team is out of the mix come January, then blow it up again and call it a done deal. Re-building is obviously in the near future for the Suns one way or the other. The question is whether Sarver will give the them one more chance. By the looks of the past few days, it looks like he will, for the short-term.
Quote of the Day
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Return to "Mannywood"
Those were the words from Manny Ramirez to the media before he makes first home appearance at Dodger Stadium since returning from his 50 game suspension for testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. The “Mannywood” section of left field has returned and it appears all has long since been forgiven and forgotten.
Manny went on to say that he expects an ovation comparable at least to that which he received when he arrived via trade from Boston. “Or better” he quipped. He has been on a tear since his return, with 3 homers and 9 RBI. Couple that with the Dodgers played exceptionally well during his 50-game absence and you can almost ink the Dodgers in as National League Champs in October. Manny has always thrived under the bright spotlight and said that he loves all the attention. It gives him the motivation to play hard and play well. What Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire wouldn’t give to be in Manny’s shoes these days. The aforementioned have all been virtually outcast from baseball while Ramirez has the opportunity to win another World Series title, and possibly MVP, in the same season that he tested positive for PEDs. And to top that off, millions of fans around the world still wanted to see him play in the All-Star game. Such is the world we live in I suppose. Certain people, be it celebrities, athletes, musicians, etc. are placed on a platform where only one thing matters. The performance. As long as you bring it every night, the public turns a blind eye, even if it involves cheating to enhance that very performance. The culture of “don’t do as I do boy, do as I ask.”
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Six feet above
Don't hate Cassel

How I use Facebook
Monday, July 13, 2009
Entourage season 6 premiere
I have to admit I’d been anxiously awaiting this night for quite some time. The season-premiere of season 6 of Entourage, which is currently 3rd on my top 5 all time favorite television shows. Trailing only the Sopranos and the Wire, and just ahead of 24 and House.
Quote of the Day
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Lesnar pummels Mir @ UFC 100

In only his fifth professional MMA match, former WWE wrestler Brock Lesnar was able to avenge his only defeat by knocking out Frank Mir in the second round of Saturday night's much hyped UFC 100 from Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Lesnar successfully defended his Heavyweight belt by obliterating Mir from the onset. While the night provided great drama with Dan Henderson and Brock Lesnar surprising all with impressive victories. Many expected Mir to submit Lesnar but the former wrestler controlled this battle from start to finish. Georges St. Pierre and Thiago Alves provided little by means of excitement as do much of GSP's fights lately. Joe Rogan even suggested he move up to 185 or fight next time with one arm tied behind his back.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
LeBron James goes into Witness Protection

What is the deal with this hoopla surrounding LeBron James and this tape that was supposedly confiscated from his basketball camp? Apparently a youngster named Jordan Crawford posterized King James and the footage was captured on video. Nike and LeBron's camp were having none of that, and ultimately had the evidence destroyed. God forbid somebody show up LeBron James. Jordan Crawford wasn't the first, as Courtney Lee beat him to that punch this past playoffs. It would appear this is just another episode of a pampered, spoiled James being too arrogant and full of his own self. Everybody remembers when he infamously left the court after losing to Orlando in the East Finals without shaking hands with a single Magic player, only to skip the post-game presser as well. Then this week, word had leaked from Trevor Ariza that LeBron told him he would be staying in Cleveland past 2010 in an effort to sway Ariza to rescind his prior commitment to the Houston Rockets. This was also feverishly denied by LeBron's camp once any such report later hit the media. A close friend of mine worked with the team tailor that Jerry Colangelo used for the Redeem Team the last 3 years so he spent significant amounts of time around all the members of that squad. He had nothing but glowing and ringing endorsements about every single player that made up that team, including Kobe Bryant. Every player except for LeBron James that is. Say it ain't so man, who would have thought? I'm sure not surprised.
Quote of the Day
“In the name of Jesus let us pray. Father we thank you for waking us up this morning. We thank you for surrounding us with your guardian angels as we slept. We thank you for waking our family, friends, and loved ones as well. Keeping us safe. We thank you for waking our enemies this day Father, for they are your children as we are.”
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My thoughts on Steve McNair

The police in Nashville have officially ruled murder/suicide in the death of 36 year old former NFL co-MVP Steve McNair and his 2o year old girlfriend Sahel Kazemi, according to the Tennessean. Many suspicious questions still linger, including an apparent motive, although Ms. Kazemi apparently told a friend two days prior that her life was in shambles, and she "was going to end it all". She even went as far as following another female whom she suspected McNair of cheating on her with. She obviously had a few screws lose to begin with seeing as how Steve was married with 4 kids. After shooting McNair 4 times while he was asleep on the couch at his condo, Kazemi then proceeded to position herself next to McNair so that she would land in his lap after pulling the trigger. When the bodies were discovered though, Kazemi had slid to McNair's feet while he still sat upright on the couch. When McNair's friend, who rented the condo with him discovered the bodies Saturday afternoon, he apparently waited over an hour to call the police. Even with the ruling, some parts of this story just don't add up. My hope would be that the truth would eventually all come out, for the sake of the families involved.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Quote of the Day
Monday, July 6, 2009
Quote of the Day
“Hustle caine, hustle clothes or hustle music. But hustle hard at any hustle that you pick.” -Jay Z
My perspective
Friday, July 3, 2009
NBC-where old news happens

I’ve been trying to figure out why NBC insists on even airing a tape delayed broadcast of the Roddick/Murray semi-final match from Wimbledon. Any devoted fan of tennis surely has heard of ESPN and the Internet. Not only did various Twitter followers have updates, but the folks at ESPN had a live feed in Bristol. Jay Harris tweeted that Roddick had defeated Murray around 11:00 am this morning just as I was hopping out of bed. Only now am I sitting down at 3:15 pm PT to see that NBC has finally decided to air this match, fully aware that Roddick will face Roger Federer in the final. The Internet has already destroyed the newspaper and print industry. What is next? Soon we will see web sites buying the rights to sporting events and airing them live on-line. In this age of high-speed technology, nobody should have to wait 4 hours to watch something “Live”. However with a network that promotes “I’m a Celebrity: Get Me Out of Here” and “Superstars”, you have your answer to NBC’s ratings disaster. Top that off with the network already airing Tonight Show repeats when Conan has only been hosting for one month! Next time I’m interested in Wimbledon, or any news for that matter, I’ll just fire up my BlackBerry. Who needs a company broadcasting nationally in delay? photo by Getty Images
July 4th snaps
"A thoughtful mind, when it sees a Nation's flag, sees not the flag only, but the Nation itself; and whatever may be its symbols, its insignia, he reads chiefly in the flag the Government, the principles, the truths, the history which belongs to the Nation that sets it forth."
---Henry Ward Beecher
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Alec Baldwin: 150 Years for Madoff?
Quote of the Day
Monday, June 29, 2009
Quote of the Day
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."
Quick Snap
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Our Soundtrack
Music has always been an outlet that I have thoroughly enjoyed. While I wouldn’t describe myself as a flat-out music junkie, I do enjoy music not only for the rhythm, the beat, or the words, but for the fact that sometimes music can actually take you back to a certain time or place in your life that you vividly remember. I purposely have been avoiding two particular artists in my iTunes catalog for the past 6 months and with good reason. If scent is the strongest sense tied to memory, then music is has taken on a whole new smell for me. The birthplace of the Blues is Memphis, TN and that fact in itself is ironic enough for me. During my time there I was fortunate enough to meet a legendary Beale Street musician by the name of Preston Shannon. It was merely my line of work that coincidentally lead me to cross paths with Preston, and after we handled our business, he gave me a copy of his most popular album along with a magazine in which he graced the cover.
My lady and I instantly became huge fans and almost wore out the disc playing it every night. Soft music is much more soothing after a long day at the office than any of the reality television garbage that dominates the prime-time lineups. Michael Buble’s album “It’s Time” also became a favorite of mine, more so because it was KB’s favorite, though I was happy to oblige my ears and listen. At this point, I was more than happy to branch out from my usual play-list of Yo Gotti, SOJA & Kottonmouth Kings to enjoy musicians I hadn’t previously even heard of.
“A year ago today honey, @ Firebirds and then your house is where it all started! I Love You even more now and pray you continue to watch over me! The more time that passes, the more I miss you. I’m preparing myself for the next 6 months, as surely they will be the toughest. I’m struggling to regain the passion and the smile that you brought out in me so easily, but at least now I can enjoy the memories of our soundtrack. "You & I" by Michael Buble! You already know this but I still refuse to see Benjamin Button. You & I will see that together one day up in Heaven.”
All My Love,
Your Baby
Quote of the Day
“I am afraid I’m going to end up like him. The way he did”
-Michael Jackson (to ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley in reference to her father)
Friday, June 26, 2009
R.I.P. King of Pop
Quote of the Day
“Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.”
— Jon Bon Jovi –